Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Baptism at Area IV on January 30,2011

The Area IV church of Christ have new members for the two precious souls confessed and obeyed the gospel on January 30, 2011. After our sunday worship services we baptized them for the remission of sins. We are so glad for this new addition to the Lord's church! Please, pray for them to be faithful for the Lord.

In this photo, we are heading to the river to baptized them. "...because there was much water there.." (Jn.3:23)

I gave a short message to them before they went down into the water.

Brother Alberto Jabagat prayed before he baptized them into Christ.

"...baptism doth also now save us.." (1 Pt.3:21)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brother Charles "Jerry" Parks Palawan Visit & Preaching Trip On January 22-27,2011

Posted the photos of brother Jerry Parks Palawan preaching trip on January 22-27, 2011. We are so very thankful for his visiting us here again in Palawan with his Filipino companion brother Efren Agulto from Hagunoy, Bulacan and sister Kemberly Geronaga from Marindoque. I have blessed opportunity to go with him in his schedule preaching trip from north to south churches of Christ. We have so many lessons learned from him through his preaching and many precious souls also converted for the Lord. The brethren once again are more encourage to the Lord from the Gods word they heard from him. We are truly appreciated his efforts in the gospel. May God bless and keep him safe in his labours in the vineyard of the Lord. Let us pray our new brothers and sisters in Christ to remain faithful for the Lord!